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The Invitation to Become a Leader
Debating|Public Speaking|Leadership
AEBS Academy

全世界目前進入第四次工業革命, 關注在人工 智慧、機器人、大數據以及數位經濟等議題。 21世紀的教育著重在創造力、獨立思考、協作以及溝通能力。 AEBS Academy 提供多種學術能力培養,邀請美國哈佛大學畢業生擔任活動講師培育全亞洲學生因應全球化以及數位轉型的挑戰 。
The world is currently entering the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, an era that emphasizes artificial intelligence, robotics, big data, digital economy and others. Learning in the 21st century reflects the four learning objectives (4C) that refer to the part of learning to do namely creative, critical thinking, collaboration and communication education. AEBS Academy provides programs designed and taught by alumni from Harvard University to empower students across Asia to face challenges of globalization and digital transformation.
Program Information
Taiwan Online Programs
Global Online Programs


Partner Organizations


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